

Our perception of the world is a sum of various spacetime. The rational awareness of time and space makes those nearly antinomical. However the evocation of a remembrance or of a place connects these two concepts through the memory. During a displacement, although every instant gives the glance a different image, the passing by landscape contributes in a global way to the memory of the voyage. How then can one restore the voyage in its completion?

By integrating specific algorithms in between the photographic material and the final sheet, Cyrille Henry’s "Voyages" propose a new meaning to the duration of the photographic instant. They show time passing by.

Many thousands of photographs taken in still shot during a complete train trip provide the photographic material for the "Voyages". They are then cut and compressed in "grains" and finally assembled into a singular image. Each "grain’s" position depends on the time of the shooting, enabling to show time unrolling from left to right.

The whole of a voyage can then be captured and restored with all its nuances : speed, train station stops, clouds, etc. Moreover the "Voyages" show the split of space specific to a means of transportation : this opposition, which increases with speed, between the motionless interior and the landscape passing by.

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