Publications et interventions
2014 Physical Modelling for Interactive Installations and the Performing Arts
2012 Dispositif de mapping vidéo interactif pour le spectacle vivant
2012 What is the future of A/V performance?
2011 extended view
2011 JOTAC
2010 JOTAC
2007 Progress report on the Mapping Library for Pd - Steiner, Henry
2006 Les modèles physiques pour l’interaction temps-réel en synthèse numérique son / image
2005 "Dynamic autonomous mapping layers for concurents control of audio and video synthesis"
2005 "Using particular physical model for mapping"
2005 "Energetic aspect of a fader movement"
2004 "Traitement de donnée pour capteurs embarqués"
2004 "pmpd. physical modeling library for pure data"
2004 "Real-time gesture mapping in Pd environment using Neural Networks"
2004 "TOASTER and KROONDE : High-Resolution and High-Speed Real-time Sensor Interfaces"
2004 "Physical modeling for pure data and real time interaction with an audio synthesis"
2004 "Using pmpd with an audio and video synthesis"
2004 L-System with pd
2003 "Nouveaux materiaux de captation haute precision"
2001 "Bowed String Synthesis with Force Feedback Gesture Interaction."